
Education and Support Programs

The College has a number of special programs that provide students with enhanced learning opportunities, support with their studies, or enable them to pursue areas of interest and targeted elective choices.

Aboriginal Support

Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Support

ӰƵhas an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander contact teacher, whose role is to provide academic support, embed cross-curriculum perspectives, and integrate cultural experiences.


Careers Advice & Support

MacKillop students have access to a Careers Advisor, who can connect students with Australian School-Based Apprenticeships and employment opportunities, as well as providing information about the workplace and further learning.


College Counsellors

The counselling service is a confidential and free service to support students with concerns around friendships, mental health, family issues, identity, risk taking, and other issues. There are two counsellors on each campus.


Defence Support

The College, with support from the Australian Defence Force and Defence Community Organisation, provides a dedicated Defence Transition Mentor to assist students whose family members are part of the ADF.

International & Exchange Programs

MacKillop students have the opportunity to host students from overseas andto visit Italy, France, Japan, Greece, New Zealand, the United States, South-East Asia, as well as other locations around Australia.


Music & PerformancePrograms

In addition to the Performing Arts curriculum at ӰƵ, the College has a number of extra-curricular programs for students, including in-school tuition, a wide range of ensembles, dance groups, the Musical, and Drama Club.

PE Pathways

The St Mary MacKillop PE Pathways Program has been designed to support students who aim to reach an elite level in their selected sport, with a focus on students’ long-term athletic development.

Sporting Opportunities

The College has a huge range of sporting opportunities for students, including interschool competitions, gala days, the Swimming and Athletics Carnivals, and the College Cross Country.


Student Leadership

Formal leadership opportunities exist for students from Years 7 to 12 on the Student Representative Council. Students participate in the leadership of the College, Campus, specific portfolios, or one of the four Houses.

Duke of Edinburgh Award

Duke of Edinburgh Award

The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award equips young people for life and work.It has inspired and created opportunities for young people to develop skills, get physically active, give service and experience adventure.

Inclusive Education

Inclusive Education

A strength of our College lies in its diversity and inclusion.The College is committed to inclusive education principles and practices to ensure all students can access, participate and succeed in their education.

Infinite Program

At ӰƵ, the learning needs of our students are paramount. To acknowledge and challenge our students who are excelling in academic pursuit, we offer the Infinite Program.

Learning Alumni Platform

ӰƵ's Learning Alumni Platform is a professional learning network for past students of the College who are now teachers in the ACT, NSW and beyond.

Acknowledgement of Country

St Mary of the Cross MacKillop made the statement: “We are but travellers here, so while we are here we should do as much good as we can and live in peace with each other.”

With this in mind, the College respectfully acknowledges the Ngunnawal people who are the Traditional Custodians and First People of the land on which we gather each day. The College also pays its respects to the Elders past, present and emerging, and any other Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander peoples living and working in the MacKillop community.

MacKillop crest

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